Welcome at the first article of our Eco-Trails.asia blog!

We've decided to start this blog in order to acquaint you with the beautiful, exciting country which – to much of the world – is still relatively unknown and under-explored.

Southeast Asia is not just Thailand – fascinating as it is – but also other, less known and not as frequently visited countries. Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar (Burma), Vietnam, to name just a few. Not many a visitor ventures here. One of the reasons may be a certain lack of information, maybe inadequate offers for the demanding guest, maybe just a little bit of fear of wandering away from the mainstream. And this is the gap which, in course of time, we plan to fill in.

Our goal is to share our fascination with this region to the extent thatit will make you put on a hat and come over to see for yourselves. There is nothing like personal experience, you know. We shall be honoured to be your guides.

We wish you nice moments reading our blog and even more we wish you spending some great time visiting, travelling, experiencing.

P.S. Should you feel so inclined, please don't hesitate to write an article or send us your photos which we would be most happy to post.